Starting point of a website- why do I need it?

Before we start our main discussion, let me ask you a simple question! We can call it “Starting point of a website”, which is, why do you need a website? Yes, before you start building it, you must know why you need it—what’s the purpose? If this is clear to you, you’ll enjoy the rest of the process. Let’s break this question into a couple of parts to make our purpose clear.


Before building a website, it matters most to identify its purpose, as this impacts all aspects of the development process, including design, content, and functionality. The target audience is the group of individuals for whom the website is intended, and it is critical to understand their needs and interests in order to create a website that will appeal to them. When designing a website for a business, the branding and messaging of the organisation must be taken into account. Understanding the aim of the website and the needs of the audience will help the project succeed.


The most important details when creating a website are the type, quality, frequency, and consistency of the content that will be presented on the website. Understanding the type, quality, frequency, and consistency of the material is essential for developing the site’s layout and structure. It is important to design and generate high-quality content that will interest and inform users while keeping them coming back for more. For example, if the website focuses on visual content such as photographs or videos, the layout should be designed to accommodate these sorts of media. Additionally, the size and style of the text must be considered to ensure that it is easy to read and accessible to all people. Finally, it is important to analyse the content’s frequency and consistency to ensure that it is updated regularly.


When building a website, keep the overall appearance and feel, usability, mobile friendliness, and user experience in mind. The design should be visually appealing and represent the website’s purpose and branding. It should also be simple to use and mobile-friendly. Finally, the design should be intuitive and simple to use, making it simple for consumers to obtain the information they require. Users can establish a site that engages users and effectively communicates their message by taking the time to plan and construct a visually beautiful and easy-to-use website.


When creating a website, it is invaluable to select the appropriate platform or content management system (CMS). There are numerous popular solutions, including WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and Shopify. WordPress is a very adaptable and adjustable CMS that is popular among both developers and non-developers. Wix is a drag-and-drop website builder that is great for those who wish to create a website quickly and easily. Squarespace is a popular platform for constructing visually attractive websites, particularly for people in the creative sectors. Shopify is an e-commerce platform created exclusively for online stores. By picking the appropriate platform for your project, you can design a website that is functional, scalable, and simple to operate.


When creating a website, it is essential to look into the precise features and functionality that will be included. This will help guarantee that the website satisfies the demands of its intended audience and achieves its objectives.
Some common features and functionality featured on websites include:

A Contact forms allows users to send a message or inquiry to the owner or company of the website. This can be a straightforward method of gathering leads or comments from website visitors.

E-commerce functionality allows users to buy products or services straight from the website. Shopping carts, payment processing, and order management are examples of such functionality.

A Blogs is a component of a website where articles or posts are published on a regular basis. This can be a terrific method to give readers with relevant material while also establishing the website as an authority in its industry.

Social media integration allows users to engage with the website owner or company on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Search capability allows users to search the website for specific content. This is especially true for larger websites with a lot of material.

Multimedia content, like as photographs, videos, or music, can be a terrific method to engage users and provide added value.

During design and construct a website we’ve to keep in our mind that it should fulfill the demands of the audience and achieves its intended goals by understanding the exact features and functions that will be included on the website. This can contribute to the website’s effectiveness, engagement, and success.


The practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) is known as search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO strategies are used to assist search engines in understanding a website’s content and its relevance to certain search queries. Keyword research, on-page optimisation, technical optimisation, and link building are all common SEO approaches. Keyword research entails determining the keywords and phrases that people are looking for in relation to a specific topic or business. On-page optimisation entails improving the titles, headings, text, pictures, and internal linking structure of a page.

Website speed, mobile responsiveness, crawl-ability, and security are all aspects of technical optimisation. Link building entails obtaining links from other websites to your own. Understanding the fundamentals of SEO is critical for ensuring that the website is visible to the target audience and that it can compete effectively with other websites in the same sector or niche.


So, to ensure the success of a website, various aspects must be taken into account. These include the website’s goal and target audience, the type of content, the appearance of the website, the appropriate platform, the specific features and functionality, and the appropriate search engine optimisation tactics. The website’s purpose and target audience should be defined, the type of content should be determined, the appearance of the website should be considered, the appropriate platform should be chosen, the specific features and functionality should be identified, and the appropriate search engine optimisation techniques should be implemented.